East Doncaster Veterinary Hospital recommends that dogs, cats and rabbits are desexed from 6 months of age.

Our experienced team of Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses perform castration and spaying procedures in our sterile surgery suite and provide the best quality care before, during and after the procedure.

The Day of the Surgery:

Castration and Spey surgeries are a day procedure – which means they are not required to stay overnight. Fasting is required for cats and dogs for 12 hours prior to the surgery. This is not applicable to Rabbits as it is important that they are not fasted.

On the day of the surgical procedure you will have an admission consult with our Veterinarian/Veterinary nurse between 8:00am – 9:00am.
They will check over your pet, go through the admission form and discuss the procedure with you, explaining the importance of:

  • Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Pressure Monitoring

  • Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Screening

  • Pain relief throughout the procedure and post-operatively.

Pain relief is administered for all of our procedures and where required, is provided to administer at home for 3 -5 days following the procedure.
We offer 2 complimentary Post- Operative Check ups after the surgery;

First Check up – 3-5 days post surgery to ensure healing

Second Check up – 10-14 days post surgery to have the sutures removed.

All of our desexing patients will wear an Elizabethan collar post surgery to ensure that they do not prematurely remove the sutures at home.

Why is desexing your Cat important?

As well as preventing unwanted pregnancies, desexing your cat can help to protect them from a range of diseases and behavioural problems.

  • Prevent Territory Marking and Accidents: Entire male and female cats will often spray/mark their territory. This is a strong smelling spray of urine that is normally directed on vertical surfaces, often inside the house and is extremely unpleasant. Entire Cats will also roam further from their home in an attempt to gain greater territories and are at more risk to suffer traumas such being hit by a car.

  • Reduce injuries caused by fighting and reduce their risk of contracting Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Entire Cats will more likely be involved with fighting with neighbourhood Cats to defend their territories and display dominance.

    Fighting increases the chances of them developing wounds or abscesses and increase their exposure to contracting the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukaemia virus which can result in fatal illness.

Other medical benefits to desexing at 6 months of age include reducing the risk of mammary and uterine cancer and infection (Pyometra). Pyometra is a surgical emergency can be fatal if not treated in time.

Why is desexing your Dog important?

Desexing your Dog can help to protect them from a range of diseases and behavioural problems.

Desexing your Male Dog can help to:

  • Reduce and prevent territory marking: Entire male dogs display territory marking behaviour and want to mark/urinate on every post they see during their walk. Desexing your furry friend at 6 months of age will reduce and help to prevent this.

  • Reduce and prevent aggressive behaviour

Reduces the incidence of prostate, testicular and perianal hernias that can develop over time in entire male dogs

Desexing your Female Dog can help to:

  • Prevent unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. A desexed female dog will no longer come into season, therefore no “heat/bleeding” periods are experienced.

  • Reduce the chance of Uterine infections (as with female cats) and surgical emergencies. If females are desexed prior to reaching sexual maturity (season) then it significantly reduces the changes of developing mammary/breast cancer later on in life. This benefit is lost once the female dog has a season.